A Journey into Beekeeping

Trajectory of a Visionary

Alberto Castro Sotos, Director of Apitecnic.com, has 29 years of experience in the beekeeping sector. Started in 1989 as beekeeper, and in 1995 he started in the practice of beekeeping organic, making his first breeding of queen bees.

In 2002 concluded his studies in Technical Beekeeping by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Montevideo (R. Or Uruguay), where he was a consultant to the IFAD. From then on, it began with the practice of the queen rearing in hatcheries of Uruguay, formed in the U.S. (Willbanks, nursery professional in Georgia, and Ohio as a student of Susan Cobey).

In 2016 he was part of the 1st promotion of Specialist Health and Production Beekeeping in the Faculty of Veterinary medicine (UCM), being a founding partner of AVESPA.

Since 2002 he is the technical director of your own company beekeeping Apitecnic.com, Comprehensive Consultancy Beekeeping, offering training for beekeeping projects and beekeeping mainly.

He collaborated on several projects of pollination for obtaining seeds for germplasm banks in Spain and the design of a safe product to the bees in Germany. Participated in the installation of Stations of Pollination next to ADENA and in centers and paths bee.

Innovation and Recognition

Highlight some innovations bee from 2002 until 2018 awarded by various agencies and fairs beekeeping, such as software beekeeping, alarm system, stations of pollination, utility patents of hives and sustainable pollination, innovative vehicle for breeding and insemination of queen bees, and design and installation of the paths of tourism, beekeeping, rehabilitation of apiaries iconic, classrooms, and museums bee in several regions of Spain.

He currently teaches the professional Certificate of Beekeeping in the ETS Engineering Agricultural, Food and Biosystems (UPM), in addition, to carry out projects on studies of management beekeeping and apibotánicos, as well as the development of articles in magazines and manuals bee.

 Recently installed the 1st Network of Experimental Stations of Pollination in a protected natural area (Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Rincón) of the Community of Madrid for a number of purposes: conservation, environmental education, apiturismo research and beekeeping. In 2017 he was a founding member and president of the Spanish Association of Breeders of Queen Bees.
Apicultura, Consultoria estratégica Apícola

Traits that Define Us

Three fundamental qualities that are the core of our identity and success in beekeeping.



With more than three decades dedicated to beekeeping.



Committed to the future, sustainable practices and eco-friendly.



Leading the change, we are at the forefront of technology.

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